Wednesday, August 5, 2009

here is another Creative Activity that I like to do !!!!!

Take a look at what I did with a bit of time, silk flowers, and a Wedding Date fast approaching!!

1 comment:

  1. i'll send U the book,A Bed of Red Flowers, my Afghaastan bk if U can e-m ail so I can get UR mailing address. I think U find it a great read. It was a big eye opener. Had read 2 more books from the library on Iraq,written by returned GI's. Our gov. & media are doing a great cover up, this is the only way I know really what's happening.
    My 2nd s/ment of cards for the troops should be going in the mail mid-Aug. I finally got another address. We live in a military town,Ft. Bliss, troops are deployed to Iraq from here.
    If it would only cool off,get some rain. Had to go for 2nd coristol shot for my asthma.N/thing getting done,no energy,house too hot to move around in heat of day. Been camping out im my bdrm for 2 mo's during heat of day.
